7-Day Rolling Average

Sliding Window Technique

Rolling With The Punches

Applying the Sliding Window Pattern to Stock Price Analysis

In the world of algorithmic problem-solving, the Sliding Window Pattern is a powerhouse. This pattern, which involves creating a 'window' into your data and 'sliding' it through to manipulate or analyze sections of data, is particularly useful when dealing with time-series data. Today, we'll explore how we can apply this pattern to calculate a 7-day rolling average of daily stock prices.

Setting the Scene

Time-series data, where each data point is associated with a specific point in time, is everywhere. Stock prices, weather data, and sales data are all examples of time-series data. A common task when analyzing this type of data is calculating a rolling or moving average. This is a constantly calculated average of a specified number of time periods - in this case, seven days.

The Sliding Window Approach

The Sliding Window approach to calculating a 7-day rolling average of stock prices involves creating a 'window' of seven days and sliding it across our time series data one day at a time. For each new position of the window, we calculate the average stock price within the window.

Why the Sliding Window approach? This technique allows us to efficiently calculate the rolling average without having to recalculate the sum for each window from scratch. Instead, for each step, we subtract the outgoing element and add the incoming one. This incremental calculation makes the Sliding Window pattern an optimal solution to this problem.

Example Implementation

Here's how you might implement a function to compute a 7-day rolling average of stock prices in Python:

Given a time-series dataset of daily stock prices, write a function to compute a 7-day rolling average.

In the above function, we start by calculating the sum of the first seven stock prices and storing it in window_sum. We then initiate our sliding window by calculating the first rolling average and adding it to our rolling_avg list.

Next, we slide our window across the stock prices array, updating window_sum and our rolling average for each new window position. For each step, we subtract the first element of the outgoing window and add the new element from the incoming window.

Wrapping Up

By applying the Sliding Window pattern, we've taken a task that could have been laborious and made it efficient and streamlined. This pattern provides a clear, efficient method for calculating moving averages, an essential tool for any data analyst working with time-series data.

In the realm of algorithmic problem-solving, patterns like the Sliding Window technique illuminate the path to optimal solutions. It's just one of the powerful approaches you can leverage to bring your data analysis to the next level.

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Sliding Window Exercises

Two Pointers Technique